I am a senior at Vista High School and I am in the PLA program. After high school, I plan to go to community college and then transfer to a university once I figure out what it is I want to major in. my hobbies include: dirt biking, going to concerts, photography, and hanging out with friends. I also enjoy surfing with my dad and my uncle. Some of the things I plan to do after high school and college are to travel with my friends and check off some places on my travel bucket list. So far, my experience in the PLA has been good. My grades and GPA have majorly improve from my previous years in high school, and I’ve made new friends. I have also developed good life skills and have become better at talking to people. The thing I am the most excited for in my future is growing with my friends and creating a life for myself. My main goals this year are to get rid of toxic people in my life so I can fully focus on my future, and become independent for when I move out and become an adult.