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The process in beginning a research paper is finding a topic that you’re genuinely interested in. For me, I knew that I wanted to research natural remedies. My targeted audience was seniors, because many of them are prescribed a lot of medication as they get older, which hurts them more than it helps them. I went onto Ebsco and found a scholarly article that talked about doctor recommended natural remedies. Then, I went onto find a news article on how to properly use herbal supplements. Finally, I went onto YouTube and found a documentary on how music can be used to treat Alzheimer’s.

What I learned

What I learned throughout my researching process was that there are a variety of remedies that can be used to treat a number of things. I also learned how to safely use these things. For example, when using essential oils, it’s important to dilute them with a carrier oil- rather than putting them directly onto your skin. This helps prevent skin irritation. I also learned how natural remedies can not only treat the targeted problem, but it can also heal your entire body from the inside out. Using natural medicine rather than conventional medicine will benefit your body better in the long run.

Why I think this is important

I think it is important to get this information out, especially to senior citizens, because conventional medicine does more harm than good with long term use. In senior homes, many times they are given large doses of medication which often hinders their quality of life. Sometimes, they are even given medicine for a problem they don’t have. With natural medicine, it is way less harmful when given large doses and they have a better outlook on life because they are present and aware of their surroundings. Natural medication also gets to the root of the problem rather than just treating the surface issue.